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Families Failed by OUH Maternity Services 

Families Failed by OUH Maternity Services is a campaign advocating for a full independent inquiry into the systemic failures within Oxford University Hospitals Maternity Services.  


We are a group of  over 350 families who have been harmed by OUH Maternity Services and are living with the lasting impact of these failures.​  


Families whose babies have died. Families whose babies have been left with life-changing disabilities. Mothers suffering psychological and physical trauma. Parents whose lives have been devastated. 


We have been failed. 


We demand an independent inquiry, accountability and change

What we are calling for

  • An inquiry: A full and independent inquiry investigating the systemic failings, cover-up culture and the extent of avoidable harm across OUH Maternity Services.

  • Accountability: Acknowledgement from OUH of its failings and apologies to the families who have been harmed by its unethical care of mothers, babies and families.

  • Compliance with national guidance: A non-negotiable commitment from OUH to deliver its maternity services in line with national guidance, to provide the safest care for women and babies.

  • An independent feedback channel: A platform managed by an independent, unbiased body that listens to families’ experiences and proposes actions for OUH to take.

  • Systemic change: An action plan of interim changes to improve the physical and psychological safety of OUH Maternity Services immediately. And a long-term plan for permanent changes to ensure OUH delivers its services to the highest standards of safety, and creates an environment and staff ethos where women and their families are listened to, respected and cared for.

What is an independent inquiry?

Independent maternity inquiries investigate serious failings in maternity care, often triggered by widespread complaints, unsafe practices and tragic deaths. Led by independent experts, they review medical records, scrutinise hospital policies, and listen to families’ experiences. Their findings expose critical failures and propose urgent improvements for NHS Trusts.

Recent inquiries have taken place at Shrewsbury & Telford, Morecambe Bay, East Kent and Nottingham.

An independent review with urgent improvement is greatly needed and we are very pleased to offer our support to the campaign.

Laura Cook, Obstetric Lead at CL Medilaw

Contact us

Families Failed by OUH Maternity Services: Calling for an independent inquiry into maternity care at Oxford University Hospitals

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